
1 : a copy from an original : an imitation or reproduction (such as an impression of a seal).

2 : something in the world of external reality as distinguished from its eternal and ideal archetype or prototype.

- Merriam Webster

ectype is a new website and creative resource by artist Antony Lucchesi. 

The website hosts a collection of digital resources such as images, videos and audio which are available under a creative commons licence (CC BY 4.0) meaning anyone can use the resources for free as long as appropriate credit is given to the original creator. 

The first collection of resources on the website contains a series of 100 digital files, ranging from images to 3D scans, which were made on site at Cove Park while Antony was on residency as part of the Youth Arts Bursary programme.

“The idea for ectype came from my research into the value of digital media. As it is an infinitely replicable medium, its value derives from its ability to be shared, modified and reused, which is unique compared to any other artistic medium. 

What also emerged during this period of research was the need for more open and collective sharing of ideas and resources within the visual arts. The creative process can often feel like a private act done behind closed doors, and talking about your creative influences can sometimes feel like a taboo subject. I think it’s important that we look at ways in which we can, as artists, share our thoughts and processes in a way that demystifies the creative process, so that it is seen as something anyone can participate in.”

A second collection of resources for ectype is currently being developed as part of Tinderbox Collective’s Room to Play programme where Antony was selected as one of the participating artists.